Well… guess what?
I actually got something for Valentine’s day, and it wasn’t a stoning!
Flowers from my dear friend JC. It’s amazing how a little flora can really brighten someone’s day!!
AND, I got a box of candy from my Dad.
So, maybe I’m loved after all.
I have 2 other things of mediocre interest to share.
First this photo.
Who says I’m not good girlfriend material? I mean look at that sandwich, it is glorious!!
Second… I took the Keirsey Temperment Sorter Test. I’ve taken it before and I don’t think that I received these results.
I am an ENFP, which stands for Extraversion, Intuition, Feelings and Perception.
Apparently I am inspiring and a barrel full of fun!
“They energize and stimulate others through their contagious enthusiasm.”
“They bring zest, joy, liveliness, and fun to all aspects of their lives.”
Here is the rest of the Wikipedia assessment of the ENFP Personality.
Look at me, will ya?
Here is the link to take the test yourself, let me know how you score.
And, finally, I leave all those who, like me do not have a warm partner to give their sugar to, a cyber-kiss!!
. .
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