Thursday, September 20, 2012

Cozy Fires, Wine and Happiness...

This week has gone by remarkably quickly… YAY! 
Wishing my life away, as my grandmother said.  It is what it is; I look much more forward to weekends than I do Mondays! 

Tonight, I will be running again with KR, it is supposed to be another beautiful evening here in the Ohtucky!  I love the fall… spring is nice, when we have an actual spring, but fall is better, crisper, and I don’t usually get fried like a lobster in the fall like I have in the spring.  Bonfires, dark beer, Halloween… what is there not to like about fall??
Don't you want to pull a chair right up to this fire and poke it with a stick?

I want to RUN, today, now… I want to be a runner.  Sigh…. But I have to build back up to it, I know this.  I hate, hate, hate waiting!!! I have no patience.

Tomorrow, my corporation is letting us off work at noon, taking us to the Ludlow Bromley Yacht Club (, buying us lunch, then giving us the afternoon off!
Ludlow Bromley Yacht Club

After that?? Who knows???  Usually the “bad girls” from the office will hang around and have a few drinks after the fuddy duddies leave.  Hopefully, the weather will be nice for drinking on the pontoon-ish decks of the Yacht Club!  I’m always eager to start the weekend early!

Last night, I hung out at home, had some KY wine…Blackberry wine, from StoneBrook Winery ( And that was pretty much it. 
mmmmmmm blackberry wine!

Did talk to a friend CG, and he asked if it (the conversation) would end up in my blog.  NOPE.  Everything doesn’t end up in the blog… NO, seriously, it doesn’t.  I’m actually pretty private about some things, SHOCKING, I know… but it’s true.

In my search for love, I only talk about the pitfalls, really, not the successes.  Though, to be honest, successes are few and far between.  I almost moved to Georgia several months ago for what I thought was a success.  But once I got home, I realized that maybe what I was most enamored with, was playing house.  That’s something I’ve never really had, and I liked it.  I am no domestic goddess, don’t get me wrong, but it was nice just having someone there, sharing things… I don’t know… I really liked it though, some day, I hope I find it, along with everything else.
Happy TrippyBeth...

Here’s another example of what I receive on the dating site.

Is it any wonder, that in my search for companionship, that I have become disillusioned?  My friend, SL, says that dating sites are “meat markets”, doesn’t think I’ll find anything real out there.  I have to believe that there are real, sincere men out there!  After all, I’m REAL, I’m sincere, there has to be ONE man out there, like me, who would appreciate me, right??  I’m not THAT bad. Right?

I've been super reflective lately... could TrippyBeth be growing up?!?!  Stranger things have happened!!

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