Monday, September 24, 2012

Bourbon, Pork and New Hats

Monday hath arriveth once again… I needed to come back to work to get some rest!

I arrived at work to find that there had been a water leak from the ceiling above my desk.  Fucking awesome.  Tons of wet, partially wet, and crinkled up dried paperwork.  I think I’ll just toss it all and deal with it later.  Most of it should find its way back to me.  Unfortunately, at this point, I do not know the source of the water.  So I am cleaning and sanitizing, praying that it isn’t toilet water.  That it a big part of why I’m tossing everything.  The more I think about it, the more disgusted I’m getting.  For fuck’s sake, what an awesome way to start the day.

I am in serious need of a vacation.  And I don’t even care where I go, as long as it’s not here.  Actually, I am envisioning mountains, a lake, cool weather, a fireplace…. Oh and snuggling… maybe snuggling is all I really need???  Who the hell knows?

I had a busy weekend, yet got to be lazy on Saturday too; ok maybe I HAD to be lazy!

Friday afternoon we left work at noon and headed to The Ludlow Bromley Yacht Club for a company sponsored luncheon.  We had a great time and great weather.  The food was mediocre, but the Yacht Club is not someplace you go for gourmet food.

Me, at LBYC, photo cropped to protect the innocent.

Then at about 1:30p the drinking began!  I had gone there with the intentions of drinking frou-frou drinks.  That did not happen.  I love bourbon, and when I started with it, I did not stop.  Aaaahhhhhhh Woodford Reserve, I do love you.

I am popular amongst the foreign men, I'm not sure why.  I had a Latin-looking man hitting on me for most of the evening "What kind of shots do you drink?" he asked.  Good god, that would have been a horrific idea!  And there were two gentleman that had a giant boat, they invited us for a "three hour tour", I felt like the tour would have been of more than just the boat, we declined.  Even when tipsy, I am still capable of good decision making.  Sometimes I think I make better decisions when drinking, I put a lot more thought in to them, because I know that I'm impared.  My worst decisions have always been made stone cold sober!

I had a great time with my work friends and my girl KR joined us later in the afternoon.  The band started at around 9p and we danced our asses off!  There were times that TK and I were the only two on the dance floor, of course we didn’t care.  Johnny Fink ( was the band and their guitar player/lead singer tore it up!    I definitely need to see them again!  I’m totally a guitar girl!
Johnny Fink and the Intrusion

This feels blasphemous to say, but their version of “Jesus Just Left Chicago” was better than ZZ Top’s last weekend!  I see they are gonna be at The Mansion Hill Tavern ( Saturday night, maybe TrippyBeth will make an appearance!

Saturday morning I had a wicked headache and my neck hurt (WTF?), I just stayed home… didn’t even go the Goodwill!
It was Oktoberfest Zinzinnati, but I couldn’t even muster the energy to go!

The only thing I accomplished was a little art project.  I bought 2 canvas weeks ago, they were cheap, yet I had no idea what I was going to do with them.  I finally got an idea…

I did get myself together enough to have supper at Giuseppe’s with M.  We had the Terrace Topper pizza, which is BBQ chicken, caramelized onions and cilantro.  Soooooooo yummy!!  Even M conceded that I made an excellent choice!  I do know good food.  I can even cook good food, but it’s no fun cooking for myself.  Someday, I’ll have someone over and cook for them, which would be kinda nice, especially now that it isn’t so brutally hot in my apartment.

After supper, I headed home and was in bed reading 11/22/1963, by Stephen King on my new Kindle Fire by 1130p.  Soon after I began that little endeavor, I was fast asleep.

Sunday morning I finally did some laundry, I couldn’t put it off any longer.  Then I headed to the Goodwill (couldn’t put that off any longer either).  Didn’t get too many things, jeans, jacket, a couple of tank tops and 2 wine glasses.  I think I have a problem; I have a ton of party glasses now.  But at $.50 apiece, who can turn that down??

Sunday driving...

After the Goodwill, I headed to Miamitown, OH to join AW for a late lunch at Kreimer’s Bier Haus ( and was it ever yummy!!
I had the Schwein Chop, which was the biggest pork chop I’ve EVER SEEN!  It was served with sauerkraut, green beans, cinnamon apples and a potato cake.  It was the most food I’ve seen on one plate since the last family reunion I attended!!!

Wipe the drool off your chin...

And it was delish!  I ate ALL of the pork chop and the sauerkraut, but I couldn’t clean my plate!!
Kriemer’s is located on the Little Miami River; it’s such a charming little place, with stone walls, German décor and amazing decks and patios!

Bier Haus patios.

Little Miami River.

After lunch I did a little hat and scarf shopping before I headed home and bid the weekend adieu!

I love hats and scarves!


  1. Have you ever thought about writing an e-book or guest authoring on other websites? I have a blog based upon on the same subjects you discuss and would really like to have you share some stories/information. I know my viewers would enjoy your work. If you are even remotely interested, feel free to send me an e mail.
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  2. Well, ANonymous, i just looked at your blog, and i'm pretty sure that we are not writing about the same things. lol
    but i am considering a book!
