Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bondage with Jack White...

“I’d like to take bondage photos of you with a gag in your mouth, and those eyes.”

Sigh… This is at least half of what I attract.  Is it me?  Am I putting off a vibe?  I don’t dress like a S&M chick, I certainly don’t have anything in my dating profile that would make one think that’s what I’m into… I don’t get it… I don’t get men… Period.

This could be the clue to my unsuccessful dating career (again, I hate that term).  It does seem to be my vocation of late.  Not really how I would prefer things to be working out.  Even though it would virtually destroy the blog, I really wanna meet someone! I want cuddle time! I want someone to depend on (and I don’t mean someone to take care of me).  I want stolen kisses and inside jokes.  I want to curl up in someone’s arms on an early morning, sipping coffee, watching the sunrise, then cook breakfast together, followed by a lazy day, lounging, reading to one another… sigh.  Is it too much to ask?  Is it just impossibility for me? Am I, forever, only going to attract the boys that want to tie me up?

Yes, I know it’s surprising, but I am a little romantical, even with my PTDS diagnosis! And, today, I totally feel like moaning about it.  Lord Tennyson said “In the Spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.”  Well… fall turns this girls thoughts to romance!!  The cooler weather makes me crave some skin on skin, some neck nuzzling… and it’s been so long I can barely remember at this point.


Last night I had an early supper at Zola (  I’m not sure if I’ve said it before, but I love Zola!  I chose the patty melt, on a regular bun as opposed to the rye bread.  I know that changing the bun effectively makes it NOT a patty melt; however, I do not like rye bread.  And I also had a Guinness mmmmmm what a yummy, yummy supper!!!

As you can see, I cut the burger in half, as I only intended to eat half of it.  Well, I ate the whole damn thing, it was so delicious!
After supper, I went home with the intentions of doing laundry, it, of course, didn’t happen.  TrippyBeth hates laundry.  And I discovered that I still have a couple pair of clean underpants, so it can wait until tonight.

At 7p, I met KR for what I will from here on refer to as a “run” it was actually just brisk walking.  I think I need to brisk walk for a couple of weeks before I tackle the running again, it has been a long time.  I need to learn how to breathe.  The ankle didn’t bother me, just the burning lungs for the few minutes I actually ran.
The pre-run, I hate exercise look.

I super enjoyed it though! So good to have girl time and get a little blood pumping.  It was cool so I didn’t get sweaty; I don’t like to sweat, so all and all it was perfect.  I felt good afterwards, even though I am not a fan of exercise, as a rule. 

I hope to get addicted.  I’m not sure that I have the addiction gene, which isn’t a bad thing, I know.  I smoke sometimes, never got addicted, I’ve had friends jealous of the fact that I’m able to pick them up and lay them down.  I generally only smoke with beers and not all the time. 

I have a friend who just completed her first MARATHON 26.2 fucking miles!!! I’m so proud of her, she’s addicted! And now she’s doing another one in a month!  I can’t see myself as a marathon girl, but I’d like to be a 5k girl… we shall see.  I may need encouragement friends! Especially if the dermatomyositis flares up.  But, fingers crossed, that it won’t!

I am jammin this morning… trying to keep the motivation up to get through the morning!
Jam with me??
A day without Jack White is a day not worth getting out of bed!

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