Tuesday, February 19, 2013

100 Years...

100 years.

I was once married for 100 years. 94.7 of those years were pretty bad.  But I survived, and might even say that I’m the better or more damaged person for it.

100 years can be bad.

On the flip side, 100 years can be pretty fucking awesome.

I have a handful of girlfriends that I have been friends with for 100 years.  These are the most awesome girls that you could have the pleasure of meeting, not to mention getting to know.

5 of us now live in, relatively, the same area.  City girls now, that grew up in a hick town.  I can’t see any of us returning to hickdom, at least not anytime soon.

We try to get together every month or two, which isn’t without its bumps.  To get all 5 of us together is HARD!

Last night 4 of us made it!  It’s always so good and so comfortable to be together.  They are the sisters I never had.

I am very lucky.

Last night we had sushi, a little sake, got caught up, laughed, hugged…

It was good.

Everyone should be so fortunate.

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