Monday, September 10, 2012

Mulling on a Monday...

Monday again….. I was woefully unprepared for this morning.  I made it though, and I’m now sipping on some wretched excuse for coffee and eating some apple flavored cardboard… sigh.

I had a fairly busy weekend considering I was puny (pee-you-nee, that's eastern Kentucky-speak) for most of it.  I actually stayed home Friday with a horrid headache and a low grade fever, yay me!

I said to SL, as I was lying in bed feeling sorry for myself “It sucks being sick and alone.”
He replied “Well you know…… you’ve got nobody to blame but yourself for that. Many men have tried.”

I’m not sure I’m always a fan of brutal honesty.  Actually, I don’t like it AT ALL. I’d accuse him of kicking a girl when she’s down, but I know he isn’t trying to hurt me, only help me.

It would actually take a lot to accept someone helping me out when I’m sick.  I’m very Oscar the Grouch-ish. 

But, I’ll concede that it would have been nice to have had someone to snuggle up with me. Just spooning, no forking.  Skin on skin is very therapeutic.
I was able to get myself together enough to venture out for a milkshake, I had to have some sustenance.


Saturday morning I was feeling a little better, so I ventured to Clifton to have breakfast with a friend.  Pancakes, of course!  We ate at Olive’s on Ludlow.  It’s a cool place, in the cellar of the Ludlow Garage.  The pancakes were yummy, and TrippyBeth loves some pancakes!

Saturday evening I went out with the whole fan-damily to the Red’s game.  I actually had a good time.  The weather was b-e-a-utiful, perfect night to be at the ball park.  Before the game we ventured up to Bard’s Burgers to clog some arteries.  The big greasy burgers were yummy!

There was a great crowd at the game and the Reds beat the Astros!! WOOT WOOT!!

Gorgeous night!

I can never resist a squishy pic!

Sunday, we went to the levee.  Had lunch at Brother’s, I had the Cali burger, which has been better in the past actually.  I usually LOVE their guacamole, but they were stingy with it today.  I had about half of it, which a burger and a half in 2 days is really enough for any one person.  I should fast today, but I won’t.

The Cali Burger

While at Newport on the Levee, we took in the IMAX showing of Raiders of the Lost Ark. 

I hadn’t seen it in years, it was great at the IMAX and it really holds up all these years later.  I first saw it at the Russell theater (   in Maysville, KY as a child.  I really miss theaters like that, even though big screens are awesome, and I dig the intimacy of a smaller theater.  The Russell was a beautiful Spanish Revival theater; it holds a special place in my heart.  I distinctly remember many movies that I’ve seen there, good times…

The grand ole Russell Theater

After the movie, I headed over to Bob Ronker’s Running Spot ( and picked up some new running shoes, and some super cute socks.

Brooks GTS 12s!!

Someone asked me last night if I’ve always been a runner… “Uuuummm negative ghost rider.”

I attempted to be a runner 2 years ago, then I broke the crap outta my ankle.  That put running on a back burner for a long time.  Then I started again after my recovery, and got sick with the dermatomyositis.  There was a point when I could barely walk up my steps, so running wasn’t on the agenda.
At this point, I feel like I am probably just about as well as I’m gonna get, unless I go into remission.
So, I am attempting the running again.  I may need encouragement and a push or two, friends!!

I also got a new hat while at the Levee!! I’m so glad it’s almost fall, I love wearing hats, but in the summer my head gets too sweaty and I am too committed to the hat after I’ve put it on.
I'll commit to this hat ANYTIME!

For the last week or so, I've been obsessed with this band Alabama Shakes.  I had heard that Jack White signed them on Third Man Records, so I knew that they had to be for me... and i was right! Do yourself a favor and have a listen!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not an expert when it comes to this. Didn't even know this was possible. Useful read, appreciate your posting this.
