Thursday, September 6, 2012

Movies and Mind-Fucking

“Quit mind-fucking yourself.”

That was a bit of advice I gave CC some time ago.  I had more or less forgotten it.  He said that it stuck with him, and I think, he’s pretty much ceased the brain fornication.  He’s really getting his shit together, I’m so proud of him.
And to think that me saying “Quit mind-fucking yourself” was actually beneficial.  I think I want that carved on my headstone… so poetic.

It's hard to believe that my words could have actually made an impact on someone.  The only other statement I'm still known for is "You sound like you're smothering puppies"  which wasn't nearly as poetic or life changing.

So, last night I had won tickets to the screening of the movie “The Words”.

Prior to the movie, we had dinner at Tom + Chee (  I had the Swiss & Shroom grilled cheese on sourdough with the tomato and creamy mushroom soup.  Soooooooo delish!

Now, about the movie…….BEST MOVIE I’VE SEEN IN YEARS.  I was completely absorbed in the film; I didn’t want it to be over.  I am not going to give it away, because I really think that you should see it.  But I’ll say a little bit without spoiling.
There were, essentially, 3 sets of characters.  Sometimes when there are several different characters, time periods, etc. it’s hard to follow (for me anyway).  This was so well done, it flowed perfectly, and I had zero problems keeping up. 
CC remarked after the film, that he wished there was a book that the movie was based on. 

How often does a person wish that?   

Of course there are many great movie adaptations of novels.  My favorite being “The Shining”, which happens to be my favorite movie of ALL TIME.  It is the trifecta, King/Nicholson/Kubrick.  The cinematography alone is enough to be completely enamored with the film and the story, the acting… in TrippyBeth’s opinion it doesn’t get better.

I find it interesting, that in two of the last films I’ve seen, the protagonist was a writer, a struggling, suffering, angst-filled writer.  Is the universe trying to tell me something?  That I should get off of my dead ass, get to work and finish my novel? Start the new book? Just fucking do SOMETHING?

I really feel like the universe is flicking me in the forehead.  In regards to my writing and my (for lack of a better term) love life.

Here is today’s horoscope:

Thursday, September 6, 2012

There's no reason to hold back your feelings today. However, it's crucial to make sure that your current agenda is the best one because it's all too easy to get carried away with your desires now. Pay attention to how you present yourself, for you could be more flirtatious with friendly Venus influencing your 1st House of Self. But the choice is ultimately yours; don't shut down a potential admirer before you know how you really feel.

Now, I don’t really think horoscopes hold much water, but I do think it could increase your awareness.  This is basically what SL was telling me.  When you start hearing the same things from multiple sources, you have to think that they may have a little credence. Even if one could, potentially, be coming from a Magic 8 Ball.

I am going to share with you my dating profile.  My self summary, what I’m looking for and the photos that I have on the site.  Feel free to critique…



First of all, I want to say that I need/desire a man with a little quirk... Someone a little different...... 

A little about me...... I'm a fun girl! A little goofy, kind of quirky, clever, funny..... oh i could go on and on, but I don't want to bore you.....

I like movies, concerts, parks, museums, dive bars, bicycles, books, thrift stores, exploration and adventure!!
I am always up for new experiences!
Do you have a cool hobby?? I want to give it a try!

My hobbies include writing (i am working on a novel, slowly) exploring parks, history, architecture, looking for treasures in thrift stores, cemeteries... I also love beer, trying new beers.... Let's go find the perfect pint! 

I have tattoos, so hopefully that's not an issue.... I love my ink.

I have a bird and a gum phobia FYI...

I like a wide variety of music.
Been really digging on blues lately.  Moreland and Arbuckle are currently blowing my mind. Of course SRV is a fav, along with Walter Trout, Bonnie Raitt, Joe Bonamassa, Derek Trucks..... 
I am madly in love with Jack White.... his version of Death Letters is one of my all time favs. 
My fav band (at the moment) is Taddy Porter..... crazy about them.... nice bluesy rock.
I love classic rock too... Petty was probably the best concert I've ever seen.
I'm open to most genres, i'm not that down with rap, although i've seen Kid Rock two times, but he's really not that much of a rapper anymore.

Favorites are: The Shining, Office Space, One Flew Over the Cuckcoo's Nest, Liar Liar, Yes Man, The Patriot, Hearts in Atlantis, Zombieland.
I am a fan of horror, preferrably psychological horror and goofy comedies.

LOVED American Horror Story! It was so f*ed up but i couldnt stop watching it!!!
I like watching food porn, Tosh.0, Southpark, How I MEt Your Mother.....

You should contact me if you are looking for a fun, smart, adventurous girl... who knows what could happen????  I like a more dominant man btw.....

And listen boys, I'm a country girl, I sound like a country girl....... I clean up good and you can take me out..... But I'm just as happy hangin out at the cabin sitting around the fire...... 

I also swear... Not exactly like a sailor, but sometimes the naughty words slip out ;-). That being said, I'd never swear in front of your grandma, I'm not totally uncouth...

And......... I only date caucasian men...... please don't send me hate mail..... but that's just how it is.

I don't think I've ever been in love...... But that's what I really want..... 
I write a blog,

And for those of you that have the endurance to make it to the end of my profile, let me offer a little advice.
In your photos I would advise against:
Shirtless photos - you have to be ripped to pull that off
Photos with your children - do you really want your kids faces out there for everyone to see?
Photos of your car/boat/motorcycle - do you want the girl that only goes out with you because of your car/boat/motorcycle?
Photos with women - seriously, you can't find a pic of yourself without a woman? 
Photos with other dudes - we don't know which one you are!! 
Photos from a weird angle - photos of your face taken from your waist are generally unflattering..
Think before you post!!!
And the fish photos?? Seriously, WTF? 

Hope that helps :-)

The photos:

Maybe, I should just stop mind-fucking myself????

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