Thursday, August 23, 2012

Pasta, watercolors and free tickets!

Thursday…. You’ve come quicker than I expected.
I am, actually, not feeing as tired as I was earlier in the week.  This is a good thing, because, if everything goes as planned, I have a busy weekend ahead.

Last night I had dinner at Arnold’s (… the oldest tavern in Cincinnati, established in 1861. 
I arrived at the restaurant after going the wrong way down a one-way street.  I discovered this quickly as the traffic was coming at me head on!  I pulled into an empty parking spot, up over a tiny little curb and into a city parking lot! THAT WAS A TIGHT SPOT!  I guess I shouldn’t just automatically assume that the GPS doesn’t know what it is talking about. 

Have I mentioned that I hate driving?  If I drive TO or FOR you, consider yourself very lucky, you must mean a lot to me.  I hate driving for a number of reasons…
1) it’s relatively boring.  Although it is a good time to listen to music.
2)  I’m not good at it. Going the wrong way down a one-way is a perfect example. 
3) It’s hard to pay attention for that long.  I am easily distracted, now with technology texts, emails it’s extra hard!  I try not to text and drive.  I use talk-to-text a lot, but with my accent on certain words, it ends up being very frustrating.  But if it saves me from death in a fiery crash, it will be worth it!

Arnold’s has a great atmosphere, there was a duo playing the washboard, spoons, piano and a melodica.  Very interesting.  We sat out on the patio which was surrounded by brick buildings on all sides.  The only thing that was a little distressing to me were the sparrows that would light upon the chairs, tables, floor next to me.  The entire evening I had to keep one eye on the sparrows, lest they might attack me, poke my eyes out, or at the very least get tangled up in my hair.

The food was yummy, I chose a vegetarian dish:

Pasta Androski   V………………….    14.95
Roasted red peppers, wild mushrooms, artichokes, red onion, sun dried tomatoes and fresh spinach sautéed in your choice of White wine sauce, Pesto sauce, or Pesto cream sauce.
Served over angel hair pasta.

I chose the white wine sauce.  Anything with pasta, artichoke hearts, mushrooms and garlic makes TrippyBeth very happy.

Tonight I’ve won tickets to see the movie Premium Rush

It’s a little bit of a trek up to the theater, and as I stated earlier, I hate driving, but it should be fun.  I will drive for fun.
CC will be joining me again; hopefully we can find an interesting place to eat.  I have given him the assignment of finding a place, afterall, I went to all the trouble to win the tickets!
I love winning stuff!!

Earlier in the day yesterday, I texted with my dude Kevin ( about getting a watercolor tattoo.  I absolutely trust him so much.  He has done a couple of them.  I sent him a few photos of what I am wanting.  Told him I like magnolia blossoms and cherry blossoms, but basically I’m leaving it up to his artistic discretion.
I’m going to have it placed in the center of my upper back, below my tiny circle of 2 butterflies and a dragonfly.  It’s really the best available real estate to showcase the tattoo.
Here are some watercolor tattoo examples:

On Tuesday I will journey to Dayton! I despise that drive, but I love and trust Kevin, so I’ll suck it up.  I should look into purchasing a gas mask, just in case the ass aroma is present...

I still want the thistle and the dragonfly.  Badly.  But the watercolor has me so intrigued, I really NEED one now.  And I don’t think that the thistle would translate well in watercolor, with it being so detailed.

Maybe I'll get an interview out of Kevin during my session... He said those tattoos take longer, so I should have plenty of time to pick his brain.

My romantical life...

I will state once again that I am cautiously optimistic.  Mulling a lot of things over in my head.  I think that I am getting into a better place, maybe I'm more ready than I have been to accept someone in my life for a REAL relationship.  I've been doing a lot of soul searching.  Analyzing the things that I think I've done, that weren't making me receptive to finding love.  I know I'm fucked up.  But, really, who isn't to some degree?  I have issues, but I'm open and honest about them.  Someone will find them endearing.  I just need to be accepted "warts and all" and I want to accept someone the same way. 

It's getting closer, I just know it.

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