Monday, August 13, 2012

Festive Armadillos in Bib Overalls

Monday……………. What can I say?  No one really likes you Monday….. I realize that I’m being harsh, but come on…. Who likes being snuck up on?  I mean, we are all just chillin’ enjoying our Sunday, staying up too late……

Then…….BLAM!!! There’s Monday, taking us out at the knees…..

I made it in to the office, you stealthy bastard….. TrippyBeth -1; Monday – 0.

Now for the weekend round-up!

I actually had a pretty sedate weekend.  Those are good from time to time.  Friday night I did NOTHING!   

And it was good!

Saturday I got up fairly early straightened up the apartment and went to the Goodwill…… FINALLY found a coffee table! I’ve been looking for one for almost a year, and I got it for $10!! WOOT WOOT!

Then my parents picked me up and we went to the Great Inland Seafood Festival.  My parents were actually in a great mood, I enjoyed our time together.  I, however, did not really enjoy the food. I first got a stir fry thingy that wasn’t really good at all.  Then I relented and got a lobster that was ok.  There were people there eating multiple $10.95 lobsters.  Gluttony at it’s finest.  I just wasn’t feelin’ it.
On the way back to the car, my parents got cheesecake.  I did not, I am no cheesecake fan, it feels too weird on my tongue….GAG!

Saturday evening I went to the Cincinnati Blues Festival at Sawyer Point, it was a perfect night….

The Main Stage.

The Big Mac Bridge watching over the blues crowd.

The first band we heard was Trampled Under Foot, they were awesome!  Best female singer I’ve heard in a LONG time! The whole band was tight, they were fucking nailing it!  If you dig the blues, do yourself a favor and check them out!

TrippyBeth at Bluesfest, cropped to protect the innocent.

The biggest treat of the evening was the band Absolute Value, they are part of the Blues Society Blues in the Schools program ( those kids threw it down!

It wasn’t a late night, walked back across the Purple People bridge to retrieve the car and head home.

Cincinnati from the Purple People Bridge

Newport from the Purple People Bridge
Sunday consisted of lunch at Cracker Barrel, someone wanted mashed potatoes soooooo badly….. then some shopping.  I only got 2 martini glasses and 2 headbands; I didn’t exactly score on Sunday.

On the way home from shopping, I got rear ended! AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY!!  There was a van a couple of cars ahead of me that stopped short.  I slammed on my brakes, miraculously stopping before I hit the car in front of me.  The jeep behind me was not blessed by the same miracle!

THUMP as he hit the back of my car. Dammit.

We pulled off to the side of the road to inspect the damage.  There was no obvious damage.  My car was checked underneath, still nothing.  It was a very low impact accident.  The young guy that hit me was pretty shook up.  Me, eh I’ve been hit before.  I assured him that we were all fine and we both departed on our merry ways.

I have decided to nickname my car.  It is a Pontiac Vibe, but it shall henceforth be called the Silver Armadillo!

My plans to attend a play at the Know Theater on Sunday had to be postponed.

So, as you can see, TrippyBeth was very boring this weekend… this week remains fairly unplanned, I may be boring all week!!

As I perused the racks of donated clothing at the Goodwill on Saturday and Sunday, I noticed an abundance of bib overall-type dresses, I must have seen at least a half dozen. 

They reminded me of a date I once went on……

I had been chatting with this guy; I’ll call him DG, for a little while.  We decided to meet on a Saturday night at a bar in his neck of the woods.  I hate to drive but I love an adventure, so I didn’t mind.

I arrived at the restaurant before him; I took a seat at the bar, ordered a drink and waited.  I would casually glance at the door from time to time, didn’t want to appear to be overly anxious.
After about 10 minutes I watched him walk through the door.
I know I was staring, but I couldn’t help it, I wasn’t quite sure what to make of him.

Our hero was wearing a tracksuit, a poufy nylon tracksuit. One that goes “swish swish swoosh” as the wearer walks.

Now I wouldn’t say that I’m superficial or materialistic.  I could deal with a tracksuit.  Even if it did puzzle me, he had, obviously, not come from the track.

DG spotted me right away and walked over to sit by me.  We made small talk for a little while, he seemed pleasant enough.  After about 30 minutes he says “I don’t normally dress like this.”  I breathed a sigh of relief.
“I normally wear bib overalls” he says.

What the actual fuck? Bib overalls?  He was neither a train engineer nor an elderly farmer!  My mind was reeling.  “I wonder if there is a banjo in his car?”  “He does have a pretty mouth.”  Bib overalls aren’t a good look for anyone.

I cannot let it be said that TrippyBeth is rude.  I hung in there.

He had told me in previous conversations that he had been at his job for 11 years. So I thought it would be safe to ask about his job.

“I’m going to barber college now” he says.  I asked what made him decide to do that.

“They were taking too much child support out of my check, so I quit.”

What a douche bag.  I stood up, gathered my jacket and purse.  “I’m done” I told him.  As I turned to walk out he says “I don’t live far from here if you want to come to my place.”

“Uuummm, yeah…..NO” I replied.

Are you beginning to understand why TrippyBeth is disillusioned with dating??


  1. You shouldn't be disillusioned about dating, TB; judging from that photograph, you're the cutest darn thing! :D

  2. Well Vigilarius... Either you are part of a very small minority OR you need your eyes examined!

  3. You need to give yourself a little credit, TB; you're not a hideous bridge-dwelling troll, after all! :)

  4. haha
    UNDER the bridge dwelling troll!

  5. Ha, I stand corrected. A troll dwelling ON a bridge would be kind of counterproductive; nobody would ever cross, and he'd be out of his job (of eating people) soon enough.

    You, of course, are cute as a button and not likely prone to sleeping under bridges: you're an anti-troll! ;)

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