Friday, August 10, 2012

Bourbon, unicorns and the Weekend

Good morning my friends! The weekend is almost here!!

This week has gone by pretty quickly and hasn’t been too terribly busy.  As it stands I haven’t made many plans for the weekend.  Just for Sunday.. planning to go to the Know Theater ( to see “Hundred Days” by The Bengsons ( with A.  I have not spent enough time in a theater… I was at the Know a few years ago, a friend’s daughter, AZ, was putting on a one-woman show.  She was fantastic!!

The Cincinnati Blues Festival ( is this weekend, Friday and Saturday night.  I’m contemplating checking that out.  I love blues… I’ve previously seen a couple of the acts that are scheduled, should be a rocking good time.

It’s also the Great Inland Seafood Festival ( at The Levee….. But I don’t know if I should be stuffing my face like I’d want to…  My parents may be going, I told them to let me know if they did….I could voluntarily stuff seafood down my gullet while simultaneously being force-fed a big fat portion guilt.  With a bonus of some snide comments about my tattoos, lifestyle, etcetera….. Sounds like a good time, right???  And they wonder why I seldom ever go back home.
It’s not ALWAYS that bad though, I sound like a brat.  They are good people, we just don’t see the world the same way, or live our lives the same way.  They really can’t wrap their heads around the world that I live in…. I’ll always be a country girl in my heart, I just don’t live that way anymore, and I don’t want to….. There is so much more life out there…… AND I PLAN TO LIVE IT!!!

Last night I attended the services for JG’s dad.  His mother broke my heart, she was so distraught…. They had a big love.  Sometimes I’ve wondered if big loves really do exist.  I’ve never had one, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t possible.  I have, I suppose, seen some evidence of them.  JG’s parents, my friends KS & KS…. It’s rare, almost mythical to me…. Like a unicorn. 

I want a big unicorn….. But they are shifty…… I can’t lasso one…….and they’re clever…..can’t bait one…….. And shooting one just seems wrong.


Apparently they frolic a lot too…. Fuck…… I am no frolicker…… this is going to take some serious strategic planning. 
Maybe there’s a book? “How to Capture a Unicorn in 3 Easy Steps” I’d download that shit straight to my iPhone. 

I’ve heard it told that sometimes a unicorn will frolic itself right into your lap, when you weren’t even looking for a unicorn! I believe this happened to my friend KR, she definitely has a unicorn, that just parked its little sparkly one-horned self right in her lap! Hell, she didn’t want a unicorn, said she didn’t even like unicorns…. Now she’s plaiting its mane…..

Maybe unicorns are attracted to indifference….   I should change my approach to unicorn wrangling.

Ok…… I got waaaayyyyyy off track……….

Back on the rail.

After the services last night, I stopped at the Old Kentucky Bourbon Bar (I love that place!) and had some Double Oaked Woodford and a Horse’s Neck cocktail.

I’ve never really been a go-to-the-bar-by-myself kinda girl.  It’s not that I’m shy, I’m not shy at all…. I’m not really sure what the issue is, but I did last night and I didn’t feel uncomfortable at all.  I actually felt very 1943 in my skirt and heels, sipping on a bourbon neat.  The bar just has a cool laid-back vibe, folks chillin’ enjoying their libations.  No one looking to get laid, no douchey dudes or slutty chicks….. I’m at home there.  The bartender Josh even remembered me from my birthday hijinx! The other bartender said that they were like Cheers… I look forward to them saying “Hey TrippyBeth!!” the next time I walk in!!

I’m starting to feel my tadiction raising its colorful little head.  Itching for some ink and my last tattoo is just barely healed.
I have no patience, I want everything NOW…. I am constantly like a kid on Christmas Eve.  Minus the fear of having pepper thrown in my eyes. (My grandmother told all the children that if we tried to sneak a peak at Santa Claus delivering presents, that he would throw pepper in our eyes! I grew up thinking that old Kris Kringle was an asshoke).

I want to have a dragonfly added to the half sleeve in process on my left arm, as I’ve decided that is the one I want to finish first.

The dragon fly is so colorful and graceful…. So many variations….
I only want flowers, butterflies, dragonflies and bees in the sleeves….. girly.

Now to decide who I want to do it…. Do I drive to Dayton for Kevin? Return to my boy Dustin? Try someone new? 

Decisions, decisions…..

Well I am off my friends!!!

Enjoy your weekend!! TrippyBeth will enjoy hers!


  1. I like the blog. Had no idea the Blues fest was this weekend in Cincy feel bad that I missed it. Love the blues

  2. Thanks Roger!!! I'm a festival girl! It was a perfect weekend for a festival too!
