Sunday, September 29, 2013

Welcoming the Darkness

Feeling rejected, sad, lonely, unworthy, unloveable, undesirable, ugly, stupid... 

You see something you don't want to see and you can't un-see it. 

Letting the darkness swallow me back up... Not even going to fight it. 


  1. We've all experienced seeing things we can't unsee at one time or another. I once walked in on my mom (she was 32 when I was born and I was a teenager when this happened) having sex with her boyfriend. They were both older than dirt. I saw something I can never unsee, and gave a new meaning to the term "farmers tan." I wish they had been in a darker place.

  2. ooohhhh Anonymous, I'm so glad you commented...
    that made me laugh out loud!!!

  3. Laughter is the best medicine, you know. Glad I made you laugh.

    Maybe next time I see you down in the dumps I'll share another embarrassing story. I have plenty to go around.

  4. PLEASE DO!!
    I'm doing ok now, I'm actually mad about the whole thing.
    I guess I'm going through all the steps of grieving.
    I might actually say yes to date!!

  5. Thinking of dating already? My brother got a divorce and tried POF and did what took me three years to do on the first try-- go on a date. But he did what I couldn't do-- get a return date. I guess that site CAN catch lightning in a bottle once in a while.
