Monday, September 16, 2013

She Doth Fuck it Up

I think, that when I focus on trying really hard to do things right, I end up fucking it up.

This is apparently what I’ve done.

I’m sad about it, my heart hurts…

My adorable introvert is done with me. 

What it interesting about that, is that I didn’t do anything wrong.  I tried really hard to give him the space that he needed, but I also feel like I let him know that I really care about him, I disabled my dating profiles, I turned down invitations to go out, I told everyone that I was “seeing someone”, I didn’t run when the scheduling thing with us was hard (and if you know me, it is my nature to run when a relationship hits a speed bump, but I didn’t)…

Yet… I haven’t heard a word for 4 days.

I tried to explain what he misunderstood… maybe I over-explained it “she doth protest too much”.  He’s a wicked smart guy, I thought he’d realize that it wasn’t what he thought… I guess I’m wrong, again.

Maybe dating just isn’t for me… I need a long break from it all I guess…


  1. Did you actually talk to him? Sometimes guys either retreat cause they get overwhelmed or they have something else going on- but they don't want to be honest. It's most certainly not you-


  2. I've tried, repeatedly, but he hasn't responded to anything since Thursday...
    I can't help but think that it's me.

    1. It's not you- trust me...its him- plain and simple. Stop being so hard on yourself-

  3. That was me again- pizza anyone? ;-)


  4. Some people don't communicate well with each other.

    I don't know you so I'm no assuming anything, but as a generalization, many women assume men know what a woman's thinking when she's not being direct.

    As a generalization of men, we don't take subtle hints well. We don't like the guessing games. Personally, I love a woman who is up front.

    My belief is that a woman who is confident in letting me know what she wants up front will be just as confident in those moments we are intimate. But again, that is my personal preference.

    You have to know what you really want in a man as well as how much you are willing to tolerate from those who don't think the way you do.

  5. That's pretty much true- even though the tone is a little harsh, we don't like guessing because in most cases we are going to be wrong.

    I do know beth, we have met in person- and she is pretty darn direct though-


    1. Wait...
      Mike, we know each other?
      I have have been open and completely honest with my needs and my feelings...

    2. Yes Beth- we know each other...:-)

  6. I didn't mean to sound harsh. Having feelings of love can alter normal behavior of people. I'm a pretty bold guy except in matters of love, and at times, it had cost me a chance at happiness.

    I'm merely speaking matter-of-factly but sometimes two people who like each other just aren't compatible. Two people communicate well but not to each other, or two people have similar interests but with just enough differences to be irreconcilable. That's life.

    like I said, I don't know Beth at all outside what's written here. She seems a tad too critical of herself. That's just my honest, unbiased opinion based upon what is written here.

    The funny thing about people is when something goes awry, we feel the need to blame someone. A plane crashes, we blame the pilot, the manufacturer, the guy in the tower. Was there alcohol involved? A pilot error? An O-ring busted because of faulty design? Weather sucks? But we must blame it on someone.

    Sometimes you have to simply throw up your hands and say, "shit happens."

    --Angry POF Guy
