Monday, April 15, 2013

Bourbon and Porn

I can’t believe that it’s been over a month since I’ve posted here!
I had 2 people tell me over the weekend that they’ve missed me… it’s good to be missed.

Nothing too exciting has been going on… maybe one thing, which I’m keeping to myself for the time being.

I, of course, still get interesting messages on the dating site.  The most interesting, recent one said this:

“I really like your profile, and by the way, I make amateur porn.”

Folks, we have a winner!!!

Before I hit delete, you know me, I had to reply.  All that I said was this:

“So is everyone that owns an iPhone.”

Just ask Siri, she will tell you that good amateur porn is all about angles…

Recently I’ve been obsessed, only, with photography which you can see here.

And getting out and having a little bourbon now and then… G and I hit a “bourbon class” last weekend, which is basically a tasting, and you get to try things that you ordinarily, probably would never try.  What I did discover is that I am no fan of corn whiskey! It doesn’t compare to the nectar of the gods that is good bourbon!  Hopefully I can check out a beer tasting and more “bourbon classes” soon…

Maybe, my life will take and exciting turn and I will be back to tell my tales soon!!!


  1. I should make a fake female profile for the hell of it. You ladies get way more interesting messages. I've been on it 3 years now and the only messages I get are either "hello" or complimenting my "well-written" profile (which isn't very often). Lots of lady profiles proclaim they get hundreds of PMs daily.

  2. I certainly don't get hundreds a day, it ebbs and flows.
    It is definitely an adventure.
    I've been doing it for about 3 years too, I'm not convinced it works.
    I once made a profile only listing every bad quality that I have, as an anthropological study, you would not believe how many messages I got!

  3. That's funny. I once made a fake profile just to blow of steam, and I make a laundry list of gripes about the stupid things women do on their profiles, and that fake profile got more positive responses in ONE DAY than I have gotten in my three years. The worst part was I was trying to be a total douchebag in the fake profile. Guess it goes to show you nice guys do finish last, at least on POF. Or maybe I just can't fake "douchebaggery," it has to flow naturally.

    Now, I have gone on three dates in three years from that site but they didn't hang around long. I think the attitude is it is a hookup site, so few are serious about relationships. i know because I'm not as thin as I used to be has played a part in my dating failures there.

  4. Well the "thin" thing could be killing me too.
    I just want sincerity, kindness, humor, adventure, intelligence.... I don't care about the weight of the package it's contained in.

  5. Not all of us guys see weight as an issue.

    I think the relative anonymity of the internet gives many people an excuse to release their inner demons.

    My pet peeve there are the ones who strike up conversations; I think the conversation goes well, then after two or three days, poof, they're gone. Heck, I'm getting more conversation here than I have at POF.

    I don't have many interesting stories about that place because my inbox stays empty. I did get one good scare from this one scary looking lady with a neck tattoo who was VERY pushy. Other than that my day there consists of lamenting my empty inbox.

  6. I totally agree about the anonymity thing, men say things that I'm certain they'd never say face to face.
    Yet, if you really want to meet a real, live person you're just shooting yourself in the foot.

  7. Any chance you saw the show Mad TV? They used to spoof an old dating service Great Expectations, calling it "Lowered Expectations." Some days it feels POF is the real life version of that spoof.

    I haven't found a serious relationship there but I did make a couple of nice friends on the site. So it is not a total loss.

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  9. No fan of corn whiskey? Doesn't that get you deported there?

  10. Haha surprisingly, no!
    I love bourbon and have a little moonshine from time to time, so they let me stay!

  11. I imagined Kentucky as being like the cartoon where Bugs Bunny is a square dance caller, but then I went there and it was just regular folks. Disappointing

  12. Well you didn't go to the right places, those people certainly exist here.....

  13. Depends on where in Kentucky, I suppose

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  15. Just a thought, you should delete those spam messages, I'm sure you aren't doing photos for "blowjobstreet" LOL

  16. Sheesh, that's what I get for not paying attention to the blog and focusing on other projects!!
    I can promise, I am not doing photos for "blowjobstreet"
    I guess that's what I get for using "porn" in the title....
    Thanks for the heads up!
