Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Down in the Snow

Well, I came to a realization this morning as I drove to the office.

I’m never going to meet anyone.

It’s been 3.5 years on the dating merry-go-round and I’m still alone.  Even statistically it becomes less likely, the older I get, the longer I’m single…

I feel really down today… maybe it’s the snow…

I dunno.


  1. Cheer up, Snow Bunny.
    You are Funny.
    To your own-self you have been true
    Regardless of what you go through
    Tales of your plight is a real lavender balm
    In a mean world of false psalms and no calm
    Keep striving and writing your stories
    And be patient to earn happy glories

    ~Sappy Friend

  2. I agree with Anonymous...

    You ended a very long relationship and 3.5 years is not that long in the big picture.

    If you know it or not right now you are evolving healing and growing.

    Do your thing, relax, be patient, and don't force anything.

    The world will turn and you will get what you want!

  3. I do believe I'm going to quit trying...
    Let the universe take control.

  4. I do believe I'm going to quit trying...
    Let the universe take control.

  5. I know it is easier said than done but finding "the one" can't be forced. I'm also in a dating drought and the online dating site does not help. It can get depressing because most people on that site are crazy in a bad way-- they play silly games, troll, and expect too much. We're not all rich executives with six-pack abs and those people don't use sites like that, they meet equally shallow people in snooty bars.

    I have meet people online, just not through a dating site. I have met people on online dating sites but they were no one of substance. We go out on one date or maybe two then for some reason she disappears.

    Finding love online is more a matter of joining a site of a particular life interest.

  6. I try to be "out there", doing the things I enjoy and going to the places I want to go...
    Maybe someday it will happen, I'm mostly convinced that its me....

  7. It isn't you. We as a society has gotten callous, selfish, and overly demanding. Many women want that Disneyesque fairy tale and guys want Aphrodite. We demand the "perfect" mate.

    Now, I don't read guy's profiles but women's profiles can be as intimidating as a TSA patdown.

  8. My profile is very wordy... But honest....
    I can tell many times that guys haven't even read it.
    They look at the photos and email...
