Monday, January 28, 2013

Off of the Crazy Train

I don’t wanna be your down time; I don’t wanna be your stupid game.

Ok, back to my normal posting, after that little detour through Crazytown.

I actually had a rather nice weekend, even though the pleurisy is refusing to abate as quickly as I’d like.

I enjoyed a nice lunch with my parents on Saturday, it was their wedding anniversary, they’ve been married nearly 100 years.  I asked if they thought they’d make it this long and my Mom said “Oh lord no, and no one else did either”.

After lunch we went to the AT&T store and my mother is now the proud owner of an iPhone, I welcomed her heartily into the 21st century.

Then we headed over the antique mall, where I picked up this little gem.

I have a small collection of cocktail shakers, but this isn’t exactly a shaker, it has a pumping apparatus on top of it… I really don’t know exactly what that was used for.  But it’s pretty cool and I was happy to add it to my collection.

The following photos are from my trip to Perfect North Slopes where we took in some tubing.
The trip was a surprise, so I wasn’t exactly prepared for the frigid coldness… but I still had an absolutely wonderful time! Great company made the deep freeze tolerable!

It was C R A Z Y crowded there, but it was still a lovely night.

Later, I got my ass handed to me playing darts.  Sadly, I’m MUCH better at darts than I am at pool.  That just tells you how bad I SUCK at pool!

Sigh, I’m answering phones at the office, and that’s another thing that I’m not exceptionally good at.  But everyone here seems to have contracted some sort of pestilence and I’m thankful that they stayed home.  Even though I’m stuck on the phones.  But I’m a team player! GO ME!


  1. Whatever that doohicky is, it's definitely neat.

    I'm lucky if the balls stay on top of the table when I play pool, so I can certainly relate. Of course, I'm not much better at darts ... :(

  2. Isn't it COOL?! i love it!

    yea, people are always afraid i'll destroy the table, so i just don't play!

    i can easily get second place in a game of cricket, with 2 players.
