Friday, January 18, 2013

Apathy for the Devil...

I guess you have to have a problem if you want to invent a contraption.

It's apathetic Friday.

Hooking up…

I know that we are decades past the sexual revolution and who doesn’t love good sex? But… I don’t really think that, at this point in my life, I can be a hook up kinda girl.

Many times, I’ve seriously wanted to.  But when I think of the potential awkwardness at the conclusion of the tryst, it makes me nervous.

What if he got up and left immediately?  I’d feel slighted.

What if he hung around too long? I’d feel annoyed.

What if he left money on the dresser??? Just kidding…

It’s not even a moral issue for me.  I believe that sex is good and healthy, as long as everyone is an adult and being honest, it’s all good.  No judgment from me.

And, I know the difference between sex and making love.  I don’t think that confusion in that department would be a problem.  I can disconnect when I want to…

I get a ridiculous amount of offers to hook up, well ridiculous to me, I’m sure the really pretty girls get a lot more.
But, again, these guys could be implementing the shot gun method of hooking up and I’m just within their range.

It’s amusing to me that, because of my look, red hair, pale skin, tattoos, men assume that I’m wilder than I am… “I bet you’re a wild one!”  I’ve had my moments…

I’m not saying that I’ve never had casual sex, I mean come on, I’ve been single for a minute now, and I’m not a prude.  But it was usually with someone I had some sort of a relationship with, it wasn’t strictly meeting up for sex.

I’d love to have more sex, but with my current relationship status (no relationship) if I want more than solo sex, hooking up, booty calls, and friends with benefits is the only solution.

I’d also like someone to snuggle with… sigh…

Wow, this post has turned out to be quite the confessional, hasn’t it?

To be a single woman in 2013, it’s not easy.

I posted this photo of Angus on my Facebook; it seemed to creep some people out…

I have insomnia.  Some nights it’s worse than others.  I’ll lay there for a while, trying in vain to fall back asleep.  When I know I’m going to be unsuccessful, I’ll whip out the trusty iPhone (I know that addiction to electronics could be a problem for me). I check out Facebook, Instagram, emails etc… then I peruse Amazon, EBay and Etsy.  Sometimes, I buy stuff.  Nothing expensive, just little stuff.  And sometimes, I forget about it.


I received these little guys in the mail yesterday.  Cute, right?


  1. Snuggling can be much more fun at times than plain ol' whoopie.

    (Those figurines certainly are cute but also delightfully creepy, by the way.) ;)

  2. Vigilarius,
    Especially with the cold weather on tap for next week!!
    Those little guys are FurryBones, I may see a collection happening...
