Monday, November 26, 2012

Rounding Up The Holiday

Well those 4 days went too damn fast!!

Back at work, nose to the proverbial grindstone…

So the long weekend round-up…

Wednesday night, Thanksgiving Eve, I went out for a steak dinner and got ridiculously stuffed.  I couldn’t even stay awake to watch the video that we rented, The Raven.  I never did finish it.
I did have a yummy margarita though, The Texas Roadhouse didn’t really have a good selection of beer on tap, and they make a tasty margarita!

Then it was Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving morning a very small family contingent and I headed to Camp Dennison to have our meal at the Schoolhouse restaurant. The restaurant is located in (surprise, surprise) an old schoolhouse!

It’s very cute.  The menu is written on the blackboard, there is a lazy susan in the middle of every table.  Everyone gets the meat portion of their entrée served individually, and then the sides are all served family style on the lazy susan.

The meal was just OK… but the blackberry cobbler?? DELISH!!!

On the way back from dinner, we stopped by Eastfork Lake State Park ( .  It was such a beautiful day!  My parents had never been there before.  There were a few people there, on bikes and a kid was on the beach with a metal detector. If I had been alone, I would have spread a blanket out on the sand and took a little post-turkey nap.  But, alas, I wasn’t.
TrippyBeth at Eastfork
My fat shadow.. it was post-turkey though.

The beach at Eastfork is lovely!

My new Thanksgiving tradition is cocktails that night.  Shocker, right?
So I whipped myself up a couple of Cys and chilled.

Then came Black Friday…

I am not about Christmas shopping.  I don’t even like Christmas.  I’d rather skip the whole thing altogether, I’d like to just hop on a plane and come back when it’s over.  But we all know that won’t happen.
So, since I don’t like Christmas, I do not go shopping on Black Friday to get all the super awesome deals.  I’m pretty sure I, and anyone I buy for, can live without that stuff.
However, I did venture out that afternoon, Goodwill was 50% off.  It wasn’t too crowded and I picked up a couple pairs of corduroys (love them) a new blazer, 4 bourbon glasses and a coffee warmer thingy that appears to be silver plated and old.

Shopping TrippyBeth

I also stopped by the shoe store and snagged one pair of brown boots and ordered another pair exactly like them in RED! Yay!!! I love boots.
And that was the extent of my Black Friday shopping, all for me!  I’m not a total Scrooge, I will eventually buy some people gifts… but not for a couple of weeks, don’t wanna rush it.
I am contemplating not putting a tree up this year… it’s such a hassle and I don’t even know if I’ll have any festivities at my place anyway.  So, we shall see…

More in an upcoming post…………


  1. Your shopping photo is so darn cute! :)

  2. Awwww shucks Vigilarius, your comments always make me smile!!!
    Thank you!!

  3. I'm glad my comments help brighten your day a bit.
