Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I'm Good... No, REALLY, I'm GOOD

I’m back!!

Did you miss me?

I was so beshittified yesterday.  This stupid fever thing just will not release me from its sweaty grip!
But, I am feverless today, and back at it!  I am hoping that maybe my immune system has rebooted.  I so wish I had Ctrl-Alt-Delete keys…Sigh.

You may skip this paragraph if you don’t want to hear/read any whining…
I am so fucking tired of being sick!!!  And I’m especially tired of being sick and ALONE.  I really think that being lonely is hindering my recovery.  I need a neck nuzzle and some sugar!!!
Ok, the whining is done for the moment…

I wore lipstick this morning in an attempt not to look so hideous, because, trust me, I am hideous.  Everyone commented on how “cute” I looked when I walked in the office this morning.


That has to be it; I frightened myself when I looked in the mirror this morning.

Today, I feel like talking a little music.

Kid Rock just released his new album.  Now, I love me some Kid Rock, old school Kid Rock and a lot (not all) of his new stuff.  But this album… well, it’s a turd.  I hate to say it, I really do, but it’s not good.

The first release “Let’s Ride” has been playing on the radio for several weeks; it’s the best song on the album, which explains it being the first release.  But the chorus is rough, no flow… it starts out with some promise, but once the chorus starts, I just want to change the station.  Sadly, in Cincinnati, there really aren’t any stations to change to.
But, I digress.
The rest of the songs, I could barely listen to in their entirety.
I’d save my $$ and not download “Rebel Soul”.

But I did discover a new band out of LA, Vintage Trouble (  and WOW!  I’m in love with these boys!  Great bluesy vibe.  And they’re adorable, which is a bonus!

The lead has a voice that reminds me of Andy Brewer from Taddy Porter ( and I LOVE Taddy Porter, I try to catch them every time they’re in town.

I’ve downloaded Vintage Trouble’s album, “The Bomb Shelter Sessions” and I’m really enjoying it, ALL OF IT, which is unusual.  There aren’t many albums that I’ve loved the whole thing, except for the White Stripes, of course, and “Back in Black”, “Rock N Roll Jesus” and there are others I can’t think of this early.
So, if you dig some blues, check these boys out.

And while you’re at it, check out Tyler Bryant ( I’m lovin’ this kid too… he was actually in town a while back, but I didn’t know until that day and didn’t go, hopefully I’ll be able to catch him the next time he’s in town!

On December 8, I FINALLY get to see Seven Mary Three!!  I had tickets to see them in May, and then booked my vacation for the same time, because I thought the tickets were for June.  I know, I’m a tard, but I had an awesome vacation.  I sold the tickets to JS, who ended up being out of town for work and didn’t get to go either.  It just wasn’t meant to be.
So the moment I discovered they were coming back, I bought two tickets!  Now, again, as usual, I have no date for the show.  I suppose I need to work on that in the upcoming week.  Ug.
One of my all time FAV songs!

I have a question for the entire male population out there…


I get A LOT of messages from these guys offering to do “anything I want”.  I am not a dominant type of girl AT ALL.  And, I promise you, there are no photos on my profile of me in leather with a whip, offering up a ball gag to whoever wants to be a good boy. 
I want a MAN THAT IS A MAN, that acts like a MAN.  I prefer manly, dominant men.  But, hey, that’s just me… I’m sure there are girls out there that are more than happy to tie a dude up and offer a little torture for shits and giggles. 
But, that girl is not me fellas, sorry.

And while I’m bitching… what’s up with the MARRIED GUYS? 
Am I going to have to add a disclaimer to my profile “NOT INTERESTED IN MARRIED GUYS”??
They’re all looking for a little fun “on the down low”.  Occasionally, they are in “OPEN” relationships, which I am very suspicious of.
When I decline their very generous offers, I get “well, don’t you want to have a little fun until you find a man”??

Uuuuummmm, no thanks dude, I’m good.


  1. I have the perfect song for you:

  2. By the way, there are some NSFW images in that video. I wanted to throw that warning out there, just to be safe. :)

  3. I love it!!!
    I can NEVER see myself being THAT girl though lol
