Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sushi, Sake and Bourbon Bars...OH MY!

Today’s post will be fairly brief.  I am slammed at the office.  It seems as though the flu has made an early appearance in my office.  Several folks have been out, super sick.  Therefore, my flow has been totally fucked up.  But, surprisingly, it is not putting me in a foul mood.  GO TRIPPYBETH!

Last night, the plan was to go to the USS Nightmare.  Well guess what? It’s not open on Tuesdays.  You’d think that someone would have checked that out. 

Oh well, we instead went to Naked Tchopsticks.  I had the Playboy sushi roll again.  I was almost swayed by noodles, but I can have noodles any ole time, I can’t have the Playboy roll anytime.  It did not disappoint, it was extremely delicious.  The sushi and a little sake made for a wonderful supper.
I HAD TO HAVE the Playboy roll again!

The sake was yummy!!!

After supper, since the evening was still young, we headed down to The Old Kentucky Bourbon Bar.  There was a nice crowd there for a Tuesday night.  I was able to snag my favorite bar stool at the end of the bar.  I first ordered the unnamed cocktail that I had on Saturday night.  He said that he didn’t have any of the ginger bitters (?)  but he would substitute.  I was fine with that, Josh is a fantastic bartender and he hasn’t made me a drink that I didn’t like.  It, of course turned out to be very yummy!  I had 2 other cocktails and one Woodford Reserve Double Oaked bourbon (can’t NOT have one of those).
Cy posing with a J Littman and Woodford Reserve Double Oaked Bourbon.

Just a third of the bourbon/rye selection at OKBB.

I am still pushing for the unnamed drink to be named The Cy.  Josh suggested that I come up with my own drink, and if it’s good, he will name it The Cy.  So, I am now doing my homework.  I need to go buy some supplies and start playing around.  It has to include the Woodford Reserve Double Oaked, since Cy is made from wood.  KS and I are on this endeavor!  I really want to try some of the Hibiscus, Jasmine and Burlesque bitters... Party Source, here I come!!!

I was telling the other bartender how I had previously been in there with someone who seemed put off by the thought that I could be a “regular” there.
He said “Fuck him, he should like that fact that you’re liked and get along with people.” 

That’s right!

Now, I'm kinda mad at myself for taking him there in the first place.  He didn't deserve OKBB.  I'm selfish like that, I want them to be successful, I want them to last... But I always want to be able to find a seat at the bar!  By the crowds that I've been seeing there, I am certain that they are successful.  They're filling a niche that none of the other bars on Mainstrasse can compete with.  They're drawing a cool, laid back crowd that appreciates a delicious sipping bourbon or an artfully crafted cocktail.  It is not for the PBR, Jack-n-Coke crowd, which is just fine by me.

I talk to people, I like people.  And what I always say is “Most people like me, the ones that don’t are assholes.”

Last night I talked with a couple from The Bronx.  The male contingent was originally from Covington, the female from the West Coast.  They loved the fact that craft cocktails were making their way to the area, especially since they were planning a move back.  Cool couple.

I have my Jack White tickets printed and ready to go!!!  I can’t wait!!!  My cousin JH and I will have a blast, I hope he is as psyched as I am!

The precious tickets!

Your daily dose of Jack...


  1. You would think someone would check! What a lame ass

  2. You would think someone would check! What a lame ass

  3. You would think someone would check! What a lame ass

  4. you would think that a person would only post a comment one time... but to each his own!!!
