Wednesday, October 10, 2012

It's Knot Love...

Maybe you can tell, my brain just won’t shut off today… I’m a little manic.
Nervous energy I suppose.

So, I’m beginning my 3rd posting today, a record!

Since this blog started out as a tattoo blog, even though it has morphed into something different, I still have to pay homage to the ink.

Yesterday, I got tattoo number 15. 

I got it for a couple of reasons.  First of all, because I wanted it, that’s really the only reason I need.  But secondly, I got it in an attempt to ease some of my pain, tattoos have the power to do that, you know.  And the third reason I got it, is because of what it represents.

I chose a variation on a Celtic love knot.  I love Celtic knots and I wanted something that represents love.  I am searching for love and wanted some significance for my search upon my skin.  Similar to the reason I got the swallow, to signify my search for home (which I still have yet to find).

So, I found the knot that I liked, gave the image to the awesome Dustin Zion @ Asylum Tattoo, he drew it up and shot some ink into my skin!
I love it!!
The stencil.

Dustin at work.

A close up of the inking.


LOVE my love knot!

I had it done in red, because love and red travel hand in hand…

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