Thursday, October 25, 2012

Eight Legged Discrimination, With a Side of Cupcake

I just realized….


This morning I shared my shower with this kinda hairy dude.  Now, I cannot let it be said that I mind some hair on my man, because I don’t mind it at all.  However, I DO MIND IT ON SPIDERS!!!


I didn’t kill him or relocate him.  I just kept one eye open the entire time that I was in the shower.  He appeared to be one of those hoppy kinda spiders, and even though I don’t have a spider phobia, I know that I would lose my shit if he jumped on me.
But, ArachnaHarry was quite the gentleman; I didn’t even feel like he was staring at my boobs.  Which honestly, was a little disappointing… what girl doesn’t like to start her day out with a nice dose of ogling??  NOT this girl!

So… without my ego being bolstered, I endeavored on.  I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it before or not, but I am so not a morning person.  I am generally a little cranky in the morning, and I usually prefer not to talk for at least 30 minutes upon waking.  I think that part of this could be due to my insomnia.  MAYBE if I ever got a good night’s sleep I’d wake up pleasant and perky.  I mean anything’s possible, right?
Actually, I think if I could wake up, have a little snuggle time, not with my “pretend boyfriend” (my body pillow that my asshole cousin dubbed my pretend boyfriend… not cool Cuz, not cool at all) I would have a much better outlook and a way better start to my day.

A girl can dream, right??

Anyway, upon arriving at the office, this is what I encounter.

It has been giving me the stink eye all morning…
You will not beat me cupcake… I do not even like all of your fancy flirty icing.  Your sprinkle winking has no power over me… so bring it bitch.  We will see who wins this cupcake war…

Back to the dating front… calling it a front is very appropriate, sometimes it, indeed, feels like a war-zone… random attacks, penis bombing… it’s hell out there people.
Today’s interesting message is this one:

This is the first message of this particular nature that I’ve ever received.  I’ve, of course, had messages from men of other races asking if I would partake of their specific flavors, but never from a man of my own race.  I’m left wondering…

Is this really an issue?

Is the population of women that will only date exclusively OUTSIDE of their race that large?
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve watched Maury Povich, I know that some women have a predilection for things a little more… ummmm… exotic.  But, I am certain that a lot of that is faked up for TV, so that would lead me to believe that the numbers are even less than trash TV would lead you to think.
But now, with this message, I’m thinking that I’m totally wrong.  Shocking, I know, and honestly, it’s not the first time.

I know that everyone had their “thing” that they’re attracted to, whether it’s a look, a type, etc…

I like hands, I know, I’m a weirdo.  Strong hands, working hands, musician hands, artist hands…  Hhhmmmm, maybe that’s why I’ve started a hand collection?? That just now hit me.

I actually understand people that date whomever, regardless of race.  Why cull anyone?  I can’t say that’s me, it’s strictly a matter of attraction, not that I have a specific aversion to anyone (unless they’re assholes, and they come in every color).
But… to totally turn away from your own race?  I wonder what spurs that?  I mean I’ve been involved with a total fucking asshole, that shared my skin color (admittedly not as pale)  but I don’t believe that every Caucasian man is a total fucking asshole, it’s statistically impossible.  AND I have yet to become THAT jaded.

I’d love to hear opinions…

Last night C and I were discussing dating as we always seem to do.  He quantified some of the qualities that he thinks are good about me.  So I said “So, why can’t I find anyone?”

“Because it’s you.”

I didn’t even try to analyze that… I’ve been called “Elaine” by two separate people in the last week, two people that don’t even know each other.


Elaine did have David Putty though, right???????

And I’ll leave you with this last pic, snagged from someone else that messaged me…

All I can say is “Really dude?”.


  1. The fact that you....mock these men who send you messages is borderline pathetic.

    They are being real with you and generally asking you if you would like to hook up.

    Do you take it as flattery, a compliment, and a nice way of saying you are attractive? No.

    No you don't. Instead, you think to yourself "This would be perfect for my blog" and then post screen caps of the conversations as if you are snickering behind their backs with your high school girlfriends.

    No wonder you are single. This is the EXACT reason why women in this country disgust me. None of you know how to live and live in these alternate realitys.

    "I'm a princess, I'm special, I want attention, I don't want attention, I want to be taken care of, I need space, I need attention, Why doesn't anyone look at me"

    And then someone does...then you go into "Omg! Look at this guy!!! Hehehehe"

    Shit is sad man.

  2. The fact that you....mock these men who send you messages is borderline pathetic.

    They are being real with you and generally asking you if you would like to hook up.

    Do you take it as flattery, a compliment, and a nice way of saying you are attractive? No.

    No you don't. Instead, you think to yourself "This would be perfect for my blog" and then post screen caps of the conversations as if you are snickering behind their backs with your high school girlfriends.

    No wonder you are single. This is the EXACT reason why women in this country disgust me. None of you know how to live and live in these alternate realitys.

    "I'm a princess, I'm special, I want attention, I don't want attention, I want to be taken care of, I need space, I need attention, Why doesn't anyone look at me"

    And then someone does...then you go into "Omg! Look at this guy!!! Hehehehe"

    Shit is sad man.

    1. It's interesting to me that you can read rude and often offensive messages sent to me (I am not a minority) and believe that I'm the one that's "borderline pathetic" for calling them on it.
      I have, however, stopped posting screen captures of their messages.
      I feel awkward about it.
      I wouldn't want anyone recognized, no matter what they've put out there.
      I'm over it.
      I write for entertainment, people are interested in the online dating world... I am simply presenting a snapshot of what it's like for an average woman.
      You do not have to like the blog or me for that matter. I will carry on.
      Again, I thank you for reading and for your opinion.
      Good luck out there.
