Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Successful Ink Therapy

Good morning friends!

TrippyBeth is soooooo tired this morning!  I finally got home at about 1115p last night.  But the trip to Dayton was totally worth it!!

The drive was only moderately brutal.  Getting through Cincinnati was treacherous, as always.  But, once I got outside the city it was smooth sailing.  I got nervous as I neared  Dayton, but the traffic there was perfectly fine! Smooth sailing!  I arrived at Truth and Triumph Tattoo (

Cincinnati traffic BLOWS!

Me suffering through the 90 minute drive.

I have to say that this tattoo was particularly painful.  I even let, and was happy to do so, Kevin apply some lidocaine to the sight.  The lidocaine took a little of the edge off when he was using light pressure.  The process took approximately 3 hours, with probably 30 minutes of break time.


Kevin stated that he was stepping outside of his box doing this type of tattoo.  I trust him, and was glad to give him artistic freedom.  As usual, he exceeded my expectations.

I am so in love with the colors Kevin chose!  The turquoise really makes it POP!

 This chica is SORE this morning!! 
And I need someone to rub some lotion on it for me, but not in a creepy Buffalo Bill "rubs the lotion on" kinda way!!

 This tattoo has no particular meaning.  I just wanted something beautiful on my back, AND I GOT IT!!


  1. Wow, wonderful work! :)

    (Looks quite painful, though.)

  2. Vigilarius,
    Thank you!! I am mad about this piece!! I am already planning the next one in the same style.
    It hurt really badly, nearly as bad as my foot!
