Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Sisyphus has got nothing over on me.....

I have made it to Tuesday… There were a few moments throughout the day yesterday when I wasn’t sure if I’d survive!

I napped for a couple of hours when I got home, ate, did a load of laundry, then back to bed.  During this time I also tore 2 keys off of my notebook.  Somehow something sticky got spilled on it and when I opened it, BLAM, off came two keys YAY!  Anyone know how to reattach some keys? I’m sure I have some super glue…..

Tonight, I have won two free passes to see “Ruby Sparks” (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1839492/) at the Esquire Theater (http://www.esquiretheatre.com/index.asp).  

The movie is directed by the folks that brought us “Little Miss Sunshine”, it sounds good.  I have never been to the Esquire before, nor have I been to the nearby Sitwells (http://sitwellscoffeehouse.com/) which is where we will be eating.  That Big Banana Blowout shake sounds perfectly sinful
Big Banana Blowout............................................... $6.50
-A shake w/ almond Italian syrup, banana, espresso &
espresso chip ice cream topped w/ whipped cream & cinnamon….
And TrippyBeth enjoys a little sinnin from time to time.

CC will be tagging along tonight, it’s unusual when our schedules sync up to allow us to hang out…. So AWESOMESAUCE!!

CC and I on my birthday.
Is that a maraca in your pocket, or are you happy to see me?
I'm not sure why I insist on taking the photos in the dark, but I do.  I've tried to put them through a photo editor to brighten them, but they just turn out too grainy.

I am a little bit of an architecture geek, and I love art deco.  What is better than than an art deco theater? Not much, I'd say! I have an architectural field guide that I like to carry in my car, someday I'll learn what the styles are and be able to identify them!!  A class would be cool to take too.... I should look into that.

Since my post yesterday was less than entertaining, I have been trying to think of something that would make you laugh or say "Poor TrippyBeth".  The following story may make you say both.
This story takes place early in my dating career (I hate that term, now that I think of it, career signifies some longevity to me, and I sure as fuck don’t want to date forever.  As a matter of fact, I am ready to retire right now).

I had been talking to this fellow for a few weeks.  It was before I came to the realization that talking forever before actually meeting is a bad idea.  If you spend 3 weeks chatting/emailing/texting, then meet only to find out that: he’s a potential serial killer, he eats like a ravenous wolverine, his wardrobe consists solely of Ed Hardy apparel, he insists on touching you inappropriately, he reeks of cologne that curls your nose hair.  Well, those 3 weeks are WASTED.  Okay, maybe not completely wasted in my case, it gives me fodder for my stories.  But in the big picture of actually meeting someone and having a real relationship, it’s squandered time.

We decide to meet at a restaurant not far from my office after work.  We had texted back and forth all day.  I was excited, I was still naïve about dating at that point and had much more hope than I’ve had lately.

I pull into the parking lot, send him a text that I’m there and have a final look in the mirror.  He texts me back to tell me where he is sitting and I head on in.

When I walk in a place to meet someone, I feel like I have a flashing sign over my head “DESPERATE TO MEET SOMEONE” in neon.  I can imagine people shaking their heads “THAT girl is never going to meet anyone…. Poor girl.”  But like Sisyphus, I keep rolling that rock up the hill…….. one of these days I’m gonna get it there and cheer triumphantly as I watch it roll down the other side, stirring up dust, bouncing off trees, frightening small animals, until it is out of my view.

Back to the date…… 

I walk in, to the designated area, turning a corner, there he sits………………………….
……………………………wait for it……………………………………………………..

I’m pragmatic; I understand and expect for men my age to have children.  However, I do not expect them to be brought along for the first date.

There they were with their little cherub faces smiling up at me.


He, BB, stands up, ushers me into a seat.  The kids are excitedly saying “Hi”.
I almost felt like I was at the animal shelter and the puppies are vying for my attention, eager to be taken home.
At this point, I’m not even sure what is happening, it all seemed surreal.
The waitress comes by to take our drink orders, the kids told her what they wanted, then she turned to me and asked “What will Mom have?”
I bit my tongue and didn’t interject that I wasn’t “Mom”; it wasn’t the fault of those 3 adorable little children that they had been dragged along on a date with their father, much like a raw slab of meat lying on a bear trap, to entice a woman, or perhaps convince her.
I politely ordered an iced tea, although a beer, hell a shot of tequila sounded much more appropriate.

I can’t say that the rest of the meal was unpleasant, they weren’t horrible children.  As we stood on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant at the end of the evening, saying our goodbyes, each child hugged me.

I really felt like a total asshoke (this is an intentional misspelling fyi).  I knew I would never be the mother that BB was looking for.  He was a widower and was searching for a Mommy part deux, with a little too much zealousness.

I politely declined further dates with the BB family.

Interestingly, about 2.5 years later, I went to a singles dance with KR (not my scene, no one there looked like me) and BB was there.  I did not see his children, but I’m still not sure that they weren’t there.  I hope that he is baiting his trap with something besides children now, but since he is still on the prowl, I can’t be certain.  Of course, TrippyBeth is still on the prowl too, so I have no room to talk. 

All I bait my trap with is me…….wait………..maybe I’ve just discovered my problem.