Monday, July 16, 2012

The Ohtucky Weekend...

Well Monday has rolled around once again, but what a weekend in Cincinnati!!

It was the weekend of the inaugural Bunbury Festival (!!
The festival took place at Sawyer Point/Yeatman’s Cove Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  I was a Worker Bee on Saturday and Sunday.  I declare the festival a SUCCESS!! 
The line-up was great, the crowd was super cool and laid back, weather was a little iffy, with some rain and a storm.  But everyone survived and made the best of it.

Neon Trees killed….. I definitely have to see them the next time that they are in town, or nearby even.

Also going on in Ohtucky over the weekend were: The World Choir Games, the Reds/Cardinals series (the Reds SWEPT!), The Sausage Festival (interestingly, not a bunch of dudes standing awkwardly around a room), Panties Across The Bridge (it’s exactly what it sounds like) and Drowning Pool was at the Thompson House (formerly Southgate House). I would loved to have seen Drowning Pool!  My friend, Gene, that attended, said that the show was good; however, he didn’t think that the new lead singer, Jason Moreno, was as good as Ryan McCombs.  Of course, that’s only a matter of opinion.  I still get fired up every time I hear Bodies….

Panties Across the Bridge, for cervical cancer awareness.

I was a worker bee at Bunbury on Saturday and Sunday, as I said before.  I worked the gate and the information booth (thankfully I didn’t have to offer too much info).
I was really more about the people watching, it’s totally my thing.
The Lawn at Bunbury.

Summertime music festivals are, hands down, the best places to see some cool ink (well I guess second to a tattoo convention).  I would venture to guess that about 90% of the crowd was tattooed, some extensively, some with only a tiny tattoo here or there.  The festival goers wore their ink just as casually as a favorite t-shirt.  I, however, had most of mine covered by a suffocatingly hot worker bee t-shirt.  If I were crafty I would have modified my t-shirt like some of the other worker bees did.  But I am not crafty, and my t-shirt would have looked like a brain injured orangutan had escaped the zoo with scissors and a DIY obsession.

I saw some beautiful skin art and, of course, some poorly done, unidentifiable ones.  That goes with the territory though.  I would have loved to set up a little booth, let people stop and tell me what their favorite tattoo is and their story……. Someday maybe…..
Since I was working, I didn’t feel like I should harass folks about their tattoos, after all they were there to have fun, chill out and enjoy the groove.
Aside from the drunk dude that persistently bedeviled me (thank you Super Thesaurus) at the Information Booth, I enjoyed the volunteering and would definitely do it again!

I also hit up the Sausage Festival, briefly, on Friday night.  Guess who won some sausage?  THIS GIRL!  I never win anything, when I finally do, it's sausage........ sometimes I think that the universe hates me.

Today I’d like to present tattoos that belong to my friend Greg.
Greg is extensively tattooed, and has some pretty great work on his skin.  Just yesterday he had some corrective work done to an existing tattoo on his left arm.
                                                        before                              after
He is psyched about the work, done by Stone Cold at Ink Starz, on
Warsaw Ave
in Cincinnati. (sadly I can’t find a website, I’d love to check out their artists’ portfolios. I did shoot them an email to an address that I found via a Craigslist ad, suggesting that they create one).

Greg is an electrician that began getting tattooed in 1989.  He has a great collection of black and gray art.
When I asked him what his favorite tattoo was, he didn’t hesitate when he told me that it was the portrait tattoos of his parents.
Greg also has a sick sleeve on his right arm.
It's hard to see the detail in this photo, but it's a really nice piece.

I really love black and gray ink on a man. I've seen some really feminine looking black and gray work on girls too, it can be very versatile.
This is beautiful.

Well folks, I hope that you've recovered  from the debauchery of the weekend!! Go forth and enjoy the last half of your Monday!! I'll enjoy mine in approximately 3 hours......

1 comment:

  1. You do good work. I'm surprised not to see more comments on your page
