I participated in a wedding Friday evening… the only people
present were; the couple, my friend Boom who was the minister and myself.
According to the couple, NO ONE knew they
were getting married.
I wondered whose parents were not okay with
And, they totally poo-pooed getting wedding presents. The ONLY reason I’d marry again would be for
wedding presents… I REALLY need some new towels.
I acted as both the photographer and the witness at the
wedding, and the minister-in-training.
After the wedding, I went home, went to bed and stayed there
for >36hrs.
I told everyone that it was my allergies… but it wasn’t.
Sometimes the black fog swallows me whole, dragging me into
a pit so deep that I wonder if this will be the time that I’m not able to pull
myself out.
That sounds really dramatic, doesn’t it? But I can really think of no other words to
describe it… and I own a super thesaurus.
I did have a friend, a reader of this blog, tell me that I’m
too hard on myself “you have so much to offer – guy needs his head examined.”
I want to believe that sooooooo badly, that it’s not me,
that I’m wanted, desirable, needed. Yet,
the loneliness overshadows the possibility of those beliefs. I am the common denominator here… only me.
I know, I hear the tiny violins playing too…